Staring Koepeltje (Staring pavilion)
From the Dochterenseweg, before the Boevinkbrug, you find a yellow-blue sign form ‘Naturmonumenten’. From there is a short walk to a small ferry for foot passengers, which brings you across the ‘Berkel’. From there you walk to the ‘Staringkoepel’ where you can take a look inside the building.
De Dikke Boom van Verwolde (the thick tree of Verwolde)
In the estate of Verwolde stands the thick tree of Verwolde, This ‘summer oak’ is the thickest in the Netherlands, with an outline of more than seven and a half meter (in de NL versie staan 2 verschillende maten). This oak is presumably 400 to 450 years old. In the forest many signs direct you to this tree. For more information, see: